Anything but unlucky, black cats always seem just that little bit mysterious. Here are some of our favourite names for a little black cat:
Our 5 favourites
1. Sable — A black-furred animal from Southeast Asia.
2. Raven — A type of black bird. It also has a lot of folklore and myth associated with it.
3. Diesel — Because it just sounds awesome!
4. Jet — Meaning black gemstone, and we think of him as our precious gemstone.
5. Panther — Marvel superhero, this one is especially the perfect name for a black cat!
600 Alternative Names for a Black Cat (Male and Female)
- Abbi
- Abracadabra
- Absinthe
- Ace
- Achromatic
- Adam
- Adrian
- Adrianna
- Alacazam
- Alfie
- Ali
- Almond Joy
- Amos
- Amy
- Andy
- Angus
- Anise
- Annabel Lee
- Annie
- Antagonist
- Apple
- Arcane
- Archie
- Argo
- Armageddon
- Arnie
- Arya
- Ash
- Ashby
- Asher
- Asher (Ash)
- Ashes
- Ashley
- Ashton
- Asphalt
- Astra
- Astral
- Athena
- Aura
- Ava
- B.C. (black cat)
- Baby
- Bagheera
- Bamboo
- Bandit
- Bartholomew (Bart)
- Basil
- Bat
- Batman
- Batty
- Bean
- Bear
- Beauty (Black Beauty)
- Beelzebub
- Bella
- Benny
- Bessy
- Betsy
- Bewitch
- Bewitched
- Billy
- Bingo
- Binx
- Bittersweet
- Black Bart
- Black Beard
- Black Crow
- Black Jack
- Black Magic
- Black Olive
- Black Orchid
- Black Top
- Blackamoor
- Blackberry
- Blackie
- Blackjack
- Blackout
- Blacktop
- Blade
- Blake
- Blind Spot
- Blott (Blot)
- Bond
- Bonfire
- Boo
- Boogie Man
- Boomer
- Boots
- Bosco
- Box
- Bram
- Brenna / Brena
- Brunette
- Bruno
- Bubbles
- Buddy
- Buffy
- Bullet
- Bullseye
- Bump
- Bunny
- Burn
- Burny
- Butler
- Buttercup
- Buttons
- Cadbury
- Caesar
- Calla
- Caps
- Caramel
- Carbon
- Carrie
- Carter
- Casper
- Celeste
- Charcoal
- Charlie
- Charm
- Chase*
- Checkers
- Chess
- Chi Chi
- Chip
- Chocolate
- Chrissy
- Chucky
- Churchull
- Cinder
- Cinders (Cinder)
- Clara
- Clark
- Clover
- Coal (Cole)
- Coal Dust
- Coalby
- Coco
- Cocoa
- Coffee
- Cola
- Colby
- Cole (Coal)
- Comedy
- Conjurer
- Cop
- Corbin
- Cosmos
- Coven
- Crescent
- Crisp
- Cross
- Crow
- Crumbs
- Crypt Keeper
- Cuddles
- Cupid
- Cutie
- Dahlia
- Daisy
- Dakota
- Damian
- Danny
- Dante
- Darcy
- Dark Matter
- Darkness
- Darkside
- Darth Vader
- Dashiell (Dash)
- Dead of Night
- Deadzone
- Death
- Decker
- Deja vu
- Delaney
- Demetrius
- Demon
- Denali
- Detective
- Diablo
- Diabolique
- Dice
- Dickens
- Diesel
- Dinah
- Dirtball
- Disney
- Dizzy
- Dolly
- Domino
- Doodle
- Doom
- Dora
- Dot
- Dracula
- Dragon
- Duke
- Duna
- Duncan
- Dusk
- Dusty
- Dylan
- Ebony
- Eclipse
- Eddie
- Ego
- Eight ball
- Ellie
- Elsa
- Elvira
- Ember
- Emerald
- Emery
- Emily
- Emma
- Endora
- Enigma
- Envy
- Ernie
- Espresso
- Evil
- Falcon
- Fate
- Felix
- Fern
- Figaro
- Flagg
- Flash
- Flint
- Flower
- Forest
- Fox
- Frankie
- Freda
- Freddie
- Fright
- Fudge
- Fuel
- Gadget
- George
- Ghost
- Gina
- Gloom
- Goddess
- Godiva
- Goth
- Gotham
- Gothyc
- Grace (Gracie)
- Graphite
- Grayson
- Gretta
- Grimalkin
- Grimm
- Gucci
- Guiness
- Guinness
- Gypsy
- Hades
- Hale
- Halo
- Hamlet
- Hannah
- Harlem
- Harley
- Harper
- Harriet
- Harry
- Haze
- Hecate
- Hellraiser
- Hendrix
- Hershey
- Hex
- Hissy
- Hitchcock
- Hock
- Hocus Pocus
- Hole
- Honey
- Humbug
- Hunter
- Icy
- Immortal
- Indigo
- Ingrid
- Ink
- Ink Spot
- Inkwell
- Inky
- Iris
- Iron
- Isis
- Ivy
- Jack
- Jackal
- Jacob
- Jade
- Jaguar
- Jasmine
- Jasper
- Jax
- Jet
- Jett / Jetta
- Jimmy
- Jinx
- Jonny
- Ju Ju
- Jude
- Kali
- Kaluha
- Kara
- Keira
- Kettle
- Kieran
- Kiki
- Kipling
- Kit
- Kitana
- Kitty
- Kizmet
- Knight (Black Knight)
- Kodiak
- Lady
- Latte
- Layla
- Leaf
- Leather
- Legend
- Leopard
- LeStat
- Lexi
- Liam
- Licorice
- Lilith
- Lily
- Lincoln
- Lolly
- Lovecraft
- Lucifer
- Luke
- Lyra
- Maddie
- Magic
- Magpie
- Mamba
- Marbles
- Market
- Mask
- Mason
- Matches
- Max
- Meadow
- Menace
- Merlin
- Metal
- Mia
- Micky
- Midnight
- Midnight Runner
- Milo
- Minty
- Mistress
- Misty
- Mog
- Mojo
- Molly
- Monkey
- Monster
- Moon
- Moon Shadow
- Moonshine
- Morticia
- Moss
- Mourning Glory
- Mr. Black
- Muddy
- Muffin
- Mystery
- Mystic
- Nash (a star in Sagittarius)
- Nebula
- Nebulous
- Necromancer
- Nelly
- Nerissa
- Nero
- Nero (Italian)
- Nessie
- Nettle
- Nevermore
- Nicky
- Night
- Night Rider
- Nightfall
- Nightmare
- Nightshade
- Nimbus
- Ninja
- Noah
- Nocturne
- Noir
- Noodle
- Nova
- Nox
- Nutella
- Nyeusi (Swahili)
- Nyx
- Obsidian
- Oil
- Olive
- Oliver
- Omen
- Onyx
- Opal
- Ophelia
- Oracle
- Orchid
- Oreo (great for a black and white cat)
- Orion
- Orla
- Orpheus
- Oso (Spanish for bear)
- Paige
- Panda
- Pansy
- Panther
- Patches
- Patrick
- Peanut Butter
- Penguin
- Penny
- Pepe
- Pepper
- Pepsi
- Persephone
- Petal
- Petunia
- Phantom
- Pheobe
- Pheonix
- Pickle
- Piewacket
- Piper
- Pirate
- Pitch
- Poe
- Poppy
- Porkchop
- Porter
- Prickle
- Priest
- Prudence
- Puck
- Puddles
- Pugsley
- Puma
- Pumpkin
- Puss
- Queen
- Rachel
- Raider
- Rain (Rainy)
- Raisin
- Raven
- Raven
- Richy
- Rilla
- Robbie
- Rocky
- Rogue
- Rorschach
- Rosie
- Ryan
- Sable
- Sabrina
- Sade
- Salem
- Sally
- Sammy
- Santana
- Sarah
- Sassy
- Satan
- Satin
- Scortch
- Scout
- Secret
- Selena
- Serendipity
- Shade
- Shadow
- Shady
- Shady Character
- Sharpie
- Sheba
- Sibyl
- Silhouette
- Sinister
- Sir Shadow
- Siyah (Turkish)
- Sky
- Skye
- Slate / Slater
- Slick Rick
- Sly
- Smokey
- Smoky
- Smudge
- Sneak
- Snickers
- Snuggles
- Soot
- Sooty
- Speckle
- Spell
- Spellbound
- Spider
- Spirit
- Spooky
- Spot
- Spy
- Stallion
- Starling (a black bird)
- Stella
- Stoker
- Storm (Stormy)
- Stout
- Stygian
- Styx
- Suede
- Sugar
- Sullivan (Sully)s
- Sundown
- Superstition
- Superstiton
- Sweart (Old English)
- Sweep
- Sylvester
- Taboo
- Talon
- Talulah
- Tar
- Tara
- Tarmac
- Tarot
- Taupe
- Teal
- Tessa
- Thatcher
- Thestral
- Thunder
- Tilly
- Timmy
- Tint
- Tiptoe
- Toby
- Tootsie
- TOT (trick or treat)
- Trixie
- Tux
- Twilight
- Twix
- Tyler
- Tynan
- Undertaker
- Unlucky
- Vader
- Vega
- Velvet
- Vesper
- Vimpirella
- Viola
- Voltaire
- Voodoo
- Waffles
- Warlock
- Warrior
- Web
- Wednesday
- Whiskers
- Wicca
- Wicked
- Widdershins
- Wiggles
- Wilder
- Willow
- Winona
- Witchipoo
- Witchy
- Wizard
- Wraith
- Xena
- Yukon
- Zara
- Zebra
- Zenith
- Ziggy
- Zora
- Zorro
Bonus Names:
Sooty — The name of a small puppet of a yellow bear with black ears in pop culture, “Sooty” has become a firm favourite for black or dark grey cats, with the implication that they have been “covered in soot”.
Batcat — Why name your cat Batman when you can have Batcat?
Cinder(ella) — Cinder or Cinderella is perfect for a the kind of cat that looks as if it just stepped from a fairy tale book.
Onyx — A semiprecious variety of agate.
Ebony — A type of wood that is black in colour.
Thor — Although “Thunder” makes a good name, why stick with thunder if you can name your cat after the Norse god of Thunder? (Or the Marvel superhero.)
Wednesday — The black cat in The Addams Family.
Shadow — Evoking some of the mystery of black cats, “Shadow” is also a great name if you can’t decide whether your cat has a very dark grey or a black coat.
Phantom — Much like “Shadow”, “Phantom” also lends an even more mysterious air to your feline friend.
Eclipse — Weather it’s a sun or moon eclipse, you can be sure that it draws all the attention to itself; just like a kitty cat!
Nebula — From the Latin for “mist”, a nebula is defined by the OED as: “A cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter”.
Nero — “Nero” means black in Latin.
Kuro — “Kuro” means black in Japanese.
Lonán — From the Gaelic meaning “Little Blackbird”. It’s a very sweet name for a small female feline.
Siavash — From Persian mythology meaning “possessing black stallions”. It is also the name of a prince in an 11th century Persian epic. Regal indeed!
For even more ideas for names for your cat, click here for male cat names and here for female cat names. Here is also some tips on choosing the perfect cat name for your new cat. And don’t forget to check out our Cat Name Generator!