Painting Guide

Why should you paint or oil your enclosure?

As I am sure you are all aware, Australia often has pretty unrelenting weather conditions, and while hot summer days, followed by afternoon storms can be a dream for us, it can take a toll on any outdoor products or furniture.

This is why we cannot stress the importance of painting or oiling your enclosure enough. All of our enclosures will come in the raw timber form, and like any outdoor timber product, will need a treatment to keep it protected and preserved for many years to come. There is nothing we want more than your kitty to have a safe and secure home sweet home for as long as possible, and painting really is the best option to assure this :)

All of our enclosures come with a full year warranty, however if the enclosure is left in the raw timber form, this warranty will be void, and any parts or panels you may need from damage will come at a cost.

We suggest using a Dulux exterior house paint (or something of a similar high quality), and 2-3 coats on both the inside and outside of the enclosure will guarantee you the best finish.

If you choose to oil, we have found that using an Intergrain Ultradeck Decking Oil is your best bet. Again 2-3 coats is best to keep your cats house protected :)

Remember to have fun with it! There is nothing more stylish and sleek than having a freshly painted enclosure in your backyard – we promise it will be the envy of your neighbours and friends ;)


How long will it take to paint the enclosure and how often should I maintain it?

It is hard to advise just how long painting will take, as there are a few variables to take into consideration – which enclosure do you have? Are you using multiple different colours for different parts of the enclosure? How particular are you with your painting capabilities?

However, we always like to advise to set aside a weekend, so you can give your enclosure 2-3 good coats, with plenty of drying time in between each coat.

Once the initial painting is done, you will only need to re-paint every 2-3 years to keep it looking spick and span.

If you do opt to oil your enclosure, this will not take as long as painting, however it does need to be done every 6 months to ensure your enclosure is well protected :)


Do you have any advice on styling or colour suggestions?

We like to think of painting our enclosures as a chance for you to express your creative side! We find a lot of our customers will opt for a colour scheme that matches their house, which we adore! We also love when our customers will choose a few colours from a similar colour palate and use a darker tone to accent the doors, edges and roof– it may take a little longer, but we promise the results are worth it!

We have popped some photos below to lend some inspiration for your own enclosure, however, if you should have any questions or queries, or want some painting or styling advice, be sure to get in touch with our friendly team :)

Be sure to send through some photos once your masterpiece is complete! There is nothing that makes us happier than seeing photos from our creative customers and their cute pets!









