If you want to give your cat a name based on their looks, having a black and white cat or tuxedo cat gives you a wide variety of names to choose from. From cartoon cats and other pop culture to the outright unique and even a bit strange; here’s our list of favourite cat names for black and white felines.
- Felix — The original cartoon film cat, appearing in 1919 for the first time.
- Beau — Meaning “handsome” in French, it’s difficult to choose a cat to whom this name doesn’t apply!
- Oscar — The name of The Academy Awards, you can’t help but think about fancy tuxedos and beautiful dresses when you hear the name.
- Sylvester — A cartoon cat from Looney Tunes, this feline is known for his plans to get Tweety Bird.
- Rorschach — From psychology, this test is commonly known as the “inkblot test”. Rorschach is definitely one of the more unique names to choose for your kitten. (Although there’s nothing wrong with choosing “Inkblot” instead!)
- Oreo — A delicious and favourite chocolate and vanilla cookie makes for a perfect cat name.
- James Bond — The suited spy and perennial favourite character makes for a perfect name to give to your tuxedo cat who loves their adventures in their backyard enclosure.
- YinYang — A good choice for a black and white cat, the YinYang is a concept from Chinese philosophy.
- Zorro — Spanish for “Fox”, Zorro is a character invented by Johnston McCulley in 1919. A nobleman and vigilante, the masked and sword-wielding Zorro defends the poor and victimised.
- Orion — A constellation which gets its name from Greek mythology, in which Orion was a gigantic and supernatural hunter of ancient times. If your male cat loves hunting its catnip mice, perhaps this is the perfect name to choose.
- Galaxy — If a constellation name isn’t exactly what you’re looking for, perhaps another space-themed name, like “Nebula”, or “Nova” (from supernova) will better suit your cat.
- Marilyn — The classic beauty, Marilyn Monroe, who starred in many black and white films, also makes a beautiful name for your cat.
For even more ideas for names for your cat, click here for male cat names and here for female cat names. Here is also some tips on choosing the perfect cat name for your new cat. And don’t forget to check out our Cat Name Generator!