5 Ways to Keep Your Cat Cool in Summer

Photo of Karen Dell

Karen Dell

Senior Editor • Backyard Cat Enclosures

29 January 2018

In most Aussie areas we really only have two seasons - mild winter and scorching summer. By mid September we are well and truly tipping into summer style temps so you need to be aware of how heat affects your cat when they enjoy the outdoors. Your cat still craves the freedom of the great yonder beyond the window sill - no matter the mercury level - so keeping them cool, calm and unaffected in their outdoor pussy-cat playground is essential for any caring kitty keeper.

Here are 5 ways to keep your cat cool in summer.

1. Keep your cats hydrated

keeping cats cool in outdoor cat enclosure - hydration

Most cats are fickle drinkers, choosing to wait for a human to turn on a stray tap rather than drink from a stagnant bowl of room temp H2O. If you worry about leaving your cat with water sources they will turn their adorable pink noses up at, invest in an automatic drinker! The Flower Fountain keeps kitty interested in hydration with a constant filtered flow of cooling water. If your kitty prefers a bowl, keep it fresh by offering a few different sources to choose from and add some cooling ice cubes.

2. Keep your cats shaded

keeping cats cool in outdoor cat enclosure - shade

Give your cat as much outdoor shade as possible if they are in their enclosure for the day. Our Paws Playhouse cat run can be fitted with with custom shade mesh or UV insulation panels to turn their play space into an all day option. Placing your cat run or enclosure under a shady tree and providing ventilated hidey holes for your cat to escape to will help your pudda beat the midday heat. If they are inside, keep your pudda’s favourite nap spots free from sunlight at the peak of the day.

3. Make sure your house, enclosure or cat run is ventilated properly

Your cat’s space needs to be well ventilated to allow heat to escape. All our enclosures are designed to allow heat to escape in the summer and retain warmth in the winter. If you have a custom enclosure or cat run, make sure safety is still number one and any ventilation points are properly meshed to prevent snakes or predators from disturbing the pudda peace.

4. Keep your cat groomed and their skin protected

keeping cats cool in outdoor cat enclosure - grooming

Making sure your kitty is well-groomed will help them stay cool. Whether your kitty is short or long haired, removing any excess hair with a good daily brush will keep your kitty feeling fresh. Pale or hairless cat? Grab a pet friendly sunblock from your vet to keep them protected as they worship the sun god.

5. Make your cool kitty some Pudda Pops!

keeping cats cool in outdoor cat enclosure - pudda pops

Give your furball a super cute treat with an easy to make frozen Pudda Pop! Simply mix some of their favourite wet food with some treat “chips” like kibble or dried meat and freeze in small batches (an ice cube tray works well). Your Pudda Pop flavours are only limited by your cat’s preferences. Tuna and mushy peas! Chicken and cat grass! Salmon and rockmelon! Try a few different varieties to see what your cool cats prefer.

Extra note: Keep an eye out for heat stroke

cat panting in heat

Some days are just too hot to escape from - no matter all our careful planning, so keep an eye out for heat stroke symptoms in your pudda. Heatstroke in cats is serious and you should consult your vet immediately if you see your cat panting, looking lethargic, drooling, vomiting or having trouble walking. Don’t be tempted to cool them down too quickly with ice packs or freezing cold water. Use a cloth soaked in tepid water to slowly reduce their body temp until you can get to your vet.

But summer doesn’t have to all be about prevention, it’s also about fluffin' fun! Keep your indoor kitty entertained with our guide.


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